Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Pray for good PET scan results!!

My latest Huntsman appointment was Sept. 2nd--and my blood counts were looking better. My oncologist was quite pleased and said she'd call me the next day to let me know what my tumor marker number was. Well, I got the call, --and it wasn't too good. My marker went up by around 1,400. I'm at about 3,500. My oncologist said not to be discouraged, but that we should do another PET scan soon just to see what's going on inside my body. My scan will be on Friday. So I have three days to get rid of the cancer inside my body so I can have a great scan (is that possible?). Maybe it was just a bad day when they took my blood. I'm feeling pretty good--and I felt great the day I had my blood drawn. I'm sure the tumor marker is going down now--because it does seem to do a roller-coaster thing.

Anyway--we should get results by early next week at the latest. Who knows--maybe even later on Friday.

Wondering what a tumor marker is? You can check it out here:


Marci said...

I'm praying! Keep us posted! I'm glad to hear you are feeling pretty good too.

Our Sunny SoCal Life said...

You're in our thoughts and prayers! Any California trips in store? Hope to see you again soon.

Autumn & Chris said...

I'm praying for you.... you are sooo positive and I just love that about you. You're Awesome and amazing.
Love ya,

Leavitt's said...

You have such an AWESOME attitude, I am sure that those yucky tumor marks will be down. You and your family are always in our thoughts and prayers.

Anonymous said...

I am praying that the cancer will be gone by Friday. Why not!
It's good to here your feeling good. Keep fighting.