Monday, June 9, 2008


I called Huntsman this morning to get the results from my blood test. My estrogen levels are really low like they're supposed to be because of my medication--which means it's working. And the really good news is my tumor marker number has gone down by 1,000!! Which means I don't have to do chemo for now--or have my ovaries out.

Maybe the homeopathic stuff I'm taking is working. I'm also avoiding all sugar (bummer!) and dairy and eating lots of veggies, fruit and wholegrains. For meat I can have white fish or salmon as well as cornish game hen or organic chicken (that's my diet from the homeopathic Dr.).

Thanks everybody for the prayers--they're helping!!


Danielle said...

YAY!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats! That is so good to hear!!

Jadie said...

CONGRATULATIONS... I love to follow your blog, thanks for updating. Your in my prayers.

tatum said...

oh that is so good, i totally believe in diet, certain foods are just not good for us. i'm just glad you have better will power than me. =) i am so so so glad, congratulations!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad to hear your markers have improved, Jenn! I love you and want only the very best for you and Bry and the boys ... YAY from me, too!

Aunt Linda

Marci said...

I am so happy to hear the great news! It seems like you should keep up that dieting if it is working!! We will still be sending prayers your way.


Abby said...

There's nothing like good news, I'm so happy for you! I hope you keep getting good news for a long time!