Monday, December 3, 2007

Weekend Getaway at Huntsman Hotel

Bryan and I spent an adventuresome weekend away at the Huntsman Hospital. Sunday I was given two units of blood--which was quite exciting when I had an allergic reaction and my whole body broke out in hives. The nurse gave me a dose of Benadryl and some Lorazipam in my IV which made me feel like I was going to pass out--and I thought if I did I might not wake up. After we got that under control, I was a bit nervous to get the second unit of blood, but after the nurse promised everything would be fine, we went ahead and it went much better. We were finally released Monday morning so I could get to my 11:15 am appointment at St. Marks Hospital to get ready for radiation therapy--which will begin Tuesday and run for ten days.

It's good to be home--especially to see the boys. I do wish I had that awesome hospital bed that has all the fancy buttons and conforms to your body. I guess the recliner will have to do for now.

I'm feeling a lot of pain in my lower back/hip which makes it hard to bend over or put on pants in the morning. My sternum is VERY tender and hurts just to touch it. Hopefully with the treatments I'm getting the pain will get better. I know with radiation, it's actually supposed to be a little more tender before it gets better--but what's a little more pain? Bring it on!!

THANKS so much to everyone who have helped us out with the kids, meals, fasting, prayers and all the words of encouragement!! WE LOVE YOU ALL!!


Angela Cooley said...


I really missed seeing your smiling face recently, but I know in my heart that you are still smiling whether I can see you or not. I have always believed that it is important to surround oneself with people who make you want to be a better person, and you are truly one of those people! Keep the faith and we will, too!
Loves and prayers to you and your family! Joanne

Unknown said...

Hey, Jenn,
It was not the same on Sunday without your bright smiling face. I'm so glad to hear you're home from the hospital. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Love, Margaret

Our Sunny SoCal Life said...

We didn't know what you were experiencing but were thankful to be informed and read your comments. We'll keep you all in our thoughts and prayers too. Although heaven obviously knows our wants & needs it's good to be pulling for each other. Your love, friendship and courage has always enriched & blessed our lives. Love, Christy, Eric & family

Anonymous said...

Jenn, we hope all is well.

Tom, Kayoko, and Norah

Prilla said...

Jenn and Bry,
Our prayers and thoughts are with you. You are so loved.
Mick and Pril